Share your opinion about our tool with us or report a bug and get paid subscription as a reward for your valuable input in making our tool even better!

How to Register Account

  • 1. Click on addon’s icon to open menu
  • 2. Make sure ‘REGISTER’ tab is selected
  • 3. Enter your email address which will be used to identify your personal account
  • 4. You need to come up with password so that you can log in to your account
  • 5. Re-enter your password to ensure you did not mistype password
  • 6. Click ‘REGISTER’ button

How to Log in

  • 1. Click on addon’s icon to open menu
  • 2. Make sure ‘LOG IN’ tab is selected
  • 3. Enter email address which you used during registration
  • 4. Enter password which you chose for your account
  • 5. Click ‘LOG IN’ button

How to Hide Your IP Adress

  • 1. Click on addon’s icon to open menu

hint: Selected gateway’s country flag is displayed as addon’s icon

hint: Selected gateway’s city is displayed as addon’s icon hint

  • 2. Choose gateway from the list

  • 3. To activate gateway, please click on/ff button

hint: If you cannot select gateway, make sure you have a valid subscription

How to Extend Subscription

  • 1. Click on addon’s icon to open menu

hint: If you are not authenticated the log in

  • 2. Click yellow ‘EXTEND’ button

hint: Make sure not gateway is selected

  • 3. Follow instructions on web page
  • 4. After successful payment, restart browser

If you have any question or you need our help, please never hesitate to contact us: